Friday, February 29, 2008
What a great way to end not only this week but this month. Up top is Hot chocolate from Neal. Hello. Amazing.
Below Postcard from Natasha. Cuteness level maxed out.
To my first month of blogging, hurray!!!
Mathew John
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
"Not normal unhealthy kind of love"
I do love the postcard collection of Warhol's. I have bought some individually in the past and sent them off. Beautiful Men traveling across the country always a delight. Canada post ruins some postcards. I do like this one though, it adds character for it.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Throw away days.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Delayed Bliss.
I know I don't use last names but she is like Madonna and Prince. When I am feel low call on her, mentally and physically, MEGAN-BROOKS. We met in Montreal this summer. I was her little thing she was fucked without she was my little drunk. We laughed we cried we ran around and went water sliding. We shotgunned beers.
I will forever B-yours, Miss Brooks.
Montreal is a treat for the FREE postcard. It's the way advertising works. POP comes out with the best. On the back it's a 2008 calender. For 2007 I kept one with me and circled all the days of travel. 114 was my total. A third of the year, my my. 2008 it the year of broke. Neal sent this magic, he's growing on me as a penpal.
I guess those will be it for valentines for the year. A good haul. Thank you everyone who made me one they will be cherished.
Till Monday's postbox trip,
Mathew John
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Half Written.
Mathew John
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Man I am so in love with you.
"I should explain my postcard art. It is my locket. Given to me by my Grandma. Given to her by an old boyfriend, she tells me proudly and scandously- for it was not a gift from my Grandfater- the man she loved in the end. Now my locket waits empty." ~Erin G.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
"a curious creature of unknown origin"
Monday, February 11, 2008
I will not quit.
In the month of February, I go through major blues. It's a short month thank god. Right now all I want to due is lie in bed. There is nothing better than that warm spot. you know, your protection, your body heat collection. Perfection.
Today had a lovely card from Elyse.
(Purchased from my favorite store in Victoria, Fan Tan Gallery)
Then the nicest surprise a simple letter from Neal. Within a month of meeting Neal he picked his stuff up and moved to Montreal. Ever time I have moved I knew I would return. He is brave. (even if he doesn't believe me) I had sent him 3 cards with no reply. It's a rule of mine after 3 pieces to quit. Just in time he saved his mail box. It makes me happy because I enjoy sending mail ,and don't want to quit. Pen pals have to put in some work.
I should get back to work,
Mathew John
(trying not to nap)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Mark then surprised me with a CD. It has all the songs types I love. Music that let's your mind slip into dreams. Oh Dreams. Oh Baby Dreams. I would trade all the rest of my 'Mat" days of my life to see into a baby dream.
Off to have my own dreams,
Mathew John
Friday, February 8, 2008
Some Pen Pals.
Well Miss Charley I think your swell too. Charley and I went to the same suburban highschool. But never found away to be friends. We ate dinner together for a mutual friends birthday. She is a vegitarian and ofcourse her pasta came out with chicken on it. Watching her awkwardness, i knew we should be friends. Then years later thanks to facebook we became internet friends. I told her to visit me in Montreal, she said visit her in Halifax. Boom weeks later I was sleeping on her floor. Then we boarded a 20 hour train and she slept on my bed.
This is a drawing Charley sent me. During my visit I bought this amazing print of hers. She spent her first year living in H-fax working with rust. It's a one of a kind using 9 flattend rusted cans. Magic. I'm not a painter or even a capital A Artist. Just a love and peace with writing down my thoughts and sending them away.
My newest pal is Natasha. We have never met. After recieving this first post card I knew she would get the good stuff in her mail box.
Lately I have been spending some time in Banff. But I have yet to see a deer there. As a child the place was overrun with Elk. BRING back the ELK. 2 tourist would die a year because of the elk. "Don't touch something alive that is bigger than you and not human"~Mathew John
Mathew John
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
In love with my scanner.
Naked Young Man Sitting by the Sea (1836)
by Hippolyte Flandrin
Yesterday, I recieved this art card. The painting comes from the Louvre. (I HEART PARIS!!!)
Sent by Elyse. My dearest pen pal. One post per week average. I tried to copy the text of the card. No luck yet with figuring it out. she does mention, "Thought this card was beautiful. What a perfect man! There needs to be more men like this in the world!" Couldn't agree more. In the future there will be a post only on the beautiful men cards.
Mathew John
The Art of a Letter.
Total Magic. Here's the Back:
Off to check my Mail Box,
Mathew John